Auto Accident Lawyer Houston, TX
Getting into any type of automobile accident can be terrifying. You might have passengers, pets, or loved ones in your car to be concerned about. Even being alone during an auto accident is scary, especially if you feel like you have to cope with it on your own. Unfortunately, when the weather is bad and the roads are wet, it can be all to easy to hydroplane in poor conditions and hit another car. A dedicated auto accident lawyer Houston, TX relies on will be sympathetic when their clients get into an accident due to poor weather, and you can be assured that they will be there to help you.
What is hydroplaning?
When hydroplaning occurs, the car tires are moving over a wet surface but are unable to gain traction with the road. This causes your car to travel over the wet surface and skid on the water. It is important to know road safety, and that driving during the beginning of a rain shower or within 30 minutes of one starting is usually one of the most dangerous times to be on the road.
What to do if you begin hydroplaning
If your car begins to hydroplane, this can be an incredibly difficult situation as your nerves take over. However, by remembering a few important steps, you can keep yourself and others safe on the road.
- Try to stay calm and control your vehicle
- Do not start jerking or wiggling your steering wheel in either direction or slamming on the breaks
- Slowly ease your foot off of the gas pedal and attempt to steer your car in a safe direction that is away from pedestrians and other motorists on the road
- Once your car begins to slow, gently apply pressure to your breaks if necessary
Who is at fault?
If you hydroplaned into another car and caused an accident, sometimes fault is not always so easy. Typically, though, you are responsible for maintenance on your car. If you have not kept up your tires (a common reason for hydroplaning), you could be held responsible because it is the driver who should maintain their tires.
On the other hand, if your car’s tires passed inspection when they shouldn’t have, it is possible they could be held responsible for an accident like this. Additionally, if the road was poorly maintained or designed (like poor gutter maintenance that allows excess water to flood the roads), then it is also possible the city could be held responsible.
What’s next?
Remember, if you were involved in a hydroplaning accident, an attorney at John K. Zaid & Associates can walk you through the next steps. Accidents of any kind can be scary, and with a lawyer, you can rest assured they will work on your case to look over every detail.