Truck Accident Lawyer Houston, TX
A good truck accident lawyer should be dedicated to helping families that have lost a loved one due to a truck driver or negligent behavior of a trucking company. It can be difficult to file a wrongful death claim, but skilled lawyers on your side can help.
Motor vehicle crashes can be very complex. They usually involve more than one vehicle and it is very possible for elements to influence the occurrence of a crash hours, days, or months before it happens. Crash experts don’t always conclude that crashes are the result of a single factor.
Factors that commonly lead to truck accidents include driver training and experience, vehicle design and manufacture, highway condition and traffic signaling, and weather conditions.
Motor vehicle crashes are commonly caused by fatigue, drinking alcohol, and speeding. The presence of these three factors, as well as other driver, vehicle, and environmental factors, can increase the risk of a crash that leads to serious injury, loss of life, and damage to property.
Critical events that commonly result in a crash. A critical event is something that happens when a truck is traveling and leads to a truck being involved in a crash. The driver may or may not be responsible for these events occurring.
- Running out of the travel lane, either into another lane or off the road.
- Vehicle loss of control due to traveling too fast for conditions, cargo shift, vehicle systems failure, poor road conditions, or other reasons.
- Colliding with the rear end of another vehicle in the truck’s travel lane.
When truck driver error results in a crash, it is usually due to one or more reasons:
- The driver fell asleep, was disabled by a heart attack or seizure, or was physically impaired.
- The driver was distracted by something inside or outside the vehicle and failed to observe the situation adequately.
- The driver was driving too fast for the conditions, or followed other vehicles too closely.
- The driver panicked, overcompensated, or exercised poor directional control.
Factors commonly associated with truck accidents
- Brake problems
- Traffic flow interruption (congestion, previous crash)
- Prescription drug use
- Traveling too fast for conditions
- Unfamiliarity with roadway
- Roadway problems
- Required to stop before crash (traffic control device, crosswalk)
- Over-the-counter drug use
- Fatigue
For an experienced truck accident lawyer Houston, TX families recommend John K. Zaid & Associates. Contact John K. Zaid & Associates for a free and confidential consultation.