Vicious Animal Lawyer Houston, TX
Vicious Animal Lawyer Houston, TX
Taking Legal Action with the Help of an Experienced Houston, TX Vicious Animal Lawyer
Victims of a vicious animal attack may benefit from speaking to an experienced lawyer from our Houston, TX law firm. John K. Zaid & Associates protects the rights of victims to collect compensation from negligent individuals whose actions (or inaction) directly caused the victim harm. It’s a sad fact that animal attacks are responsible for some of the most serious as well as fatal injuries in the United States every year. The resulting medical bills and other expenses can be catastrophic for the victim, or for their their family should they succumb to their injuries. Recovering those damages in the form of a settlement is not only possible, it’s often critical for the victims. John K. Zaid & Associates strives to make this process easier with the skilled legal assistance of our Houston, TX dog bite lawyer. We have represented injury victims since we established our law firm. Since that time, we are proud to have assisted thousands in the Houston, TX area.
Strict Liability Litigation
Texas is a strict liability state. How this comes into play in the aftermath of an animal attack is that if the owner knew that their animal had previously acted aggressively or attacked someone, they can be held wholly responsible for a subsequent victim’s damages. This means that if the dog or other animal that attacked you or your child had acted similarly in the past, the owner must pay your medical bills and any other costs associated with the attack. Our vicious animal lawyer in Houston, TX is very familiar with strict liability laws and other statutes that may affect our clients’ cases. You will be in very good hands should you be represented by John K. Zaid & Associates. If you or your child was harmed by a dog or another animal, call us today to learn how we can help you seek compensation from the owner.
Filing an Injury Claim Against the Animal’s Owner
Pursuing a claim against an animal’s owner differs somewhat than the process involved in seeking compensation in other types of personal injury cases. For instance, if a person is injured in a car accident, they can file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. An animal owner will not have personal liability insurance associated with their animal, but if they are a homeowner, they likely have homeowner’s insurance. Typically, the victim’s Houston, TX dog bite lawyer will file a claim with the homeowner’s insurance carrier. In cases whereby the insurance cap is less than the total amount of damages, the vicious animal lawyer may file a claim with a Houston, TX court to seek compensation for damages via the animal owner’s assets. The owner’s wages might then be garnered, or the Judge might order the defendant to liquidated some or all of their assets to pay the plaintiff.
John K. Zaid & Associates Protects the Rights of Victims
To improve your chance of getting the maximum amount of compensation you’re eligible to receive for your damages, contact us. Our vicious animal lawyer offers Houston, TX injury victims a free consultation so call us today.