Traumatic Injury Lawyer Houston, TX
When any traumatic injury, such as a birth injury or death is caused by the negligence of a medical professional, families can pursue damages against those who are responsible. If your baby has suffered a trauma, you may be entitled to financial compensation against the parties responsible. This compensation can be used for past and future medical care, long-term care, pain and suffering, and more. Call a traumatic injury lawyer in Houston, Texas from John K. Zaid & Associates.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Preventable Errors That Cause Trauma at Birth?
Medical Professional Failing to Recognize Fetal Distress
When a doctor or other professional fails to recognize the signs of fetal distress, the baby can suffer severe birth trauma. The signs of fetal distress show up on fetal monitoring tapes and any indication of distress should warn the doctor that an emergency C-section should be performed. Injuries can include brain damage, cerebral palsy, or Erb’s palsy.
No Managing Labor Properly
When complications in labor occur, it is up to the doctors and nurses to recognize these complications and provide the proper care and treatment needed. Failure to do so can result in serious birth trauma for the infant, including reduced oxygen to the baby, reduced blood flow to the baby, injuries from improper use of medical instruments.
Failure to Perform a Needed C-Section in Time
When a doctor recognizes that an emergency C-section is needed for delivery, but delays performing that surgery, he or she puts both mother and child at risk. This delay and result in severe neurological injuries to the baby. As a traumatic injury lawyer in Houston, TX, we can help you with this type of case.
Too Much Pitocin
When a woman is in labor, she produces the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin creates frequent and intense uterine contractions. When a woman is overdue or labor is delayed, a doctor will often administer Pitocin – the synthetic version of oxytocin – to induce labor. But if the mother is given too much Pitocin, it can cause too hard of contractions, compression to the umbilical cord, decreased fetal oxygenation to the baby’s vital organs, and an abrupt delivery. The baby can be left with serious and permanent neurological issues. As a traumatic injury lawyer in Houston, TX, we understand the challenges that often come with Pitocin cases, let us assist you.
Delayed Birth
In cases where the baby’s birth is delayed, there can be severe medical issues and birth trauma if that delay is not recognized and addressed by medical professionals.
Vacuum Delivery Mistakes
One of the medical instruments that a doctor may decide to use to assist in delivery is a vacuum extractor, which grips the baby’s head and help guide the baby through the birth canal. However, as a traumatic injury lawyer in Houston, TX might tell you, there are many situations where it is not safe to use a vacuum extractor, such as when the fetus is less than 36 weeks, and it is critical the doctor does not use the device. Some of the more common birth traumas that can happen with vacuum delivery includes brain damage, facial injuries, cerebral palsy, or death. Mothers can also suffer great injuries in this form of medical malpractice. Injuries include uterine rupture, bladder injuries, and perineum injuries.
In addition to the above, it is certainly possible that your child suffered a brain injury at birth, or even as you drove home from the hospital. In any case, you have the right to find out what a traumatic and brain injury lawyer Houston, TX resident’s trust has to say.
Contact a Traumatic Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas Now
If your baby suffered birth trauma and you suspect negligent medical care was the cause, contact a traumatic injury lawyer in Houston, TX, from John K. Zaid & Associates today. We will schedule a free case evaluation and determine what kind of financial compensation your family may be entitled to.
John K. Zaid & Associates is a Houston, TX law firm whose traumatic injury lawyer represents victims of brain injuries. As a skilled and effective brain injury lawyer, John K. Zaid & Associates assists Houston, TX residents in getting the compensation they deserve for their damages. Brain injuries are nearly always serious, and they can also be fatal. In fact, about 52,000 people lose their life due to a brain injury. Even if they survive the injury, their entire life may be turned upside down and require costly and long term medical treatment. For them to lead as productive a life as possible, many changes may be necessary in their daily life. With the legal guidance of a knowledgeable traumatic injury lawyer from our Houston, TX firm, they may be eligible to receive a substantial settlement to recover their damages. In fact, our brain injury lawyer can help Houston, TX receive a settlement that includes future damages such as vocational and physical rehabilitation, future surgeries, and much more.
Reclaiming the Future with a Financial Settlement
One of the scary realities of a brain injury is that the individual’s doctors may not have a clear diagnosis for the patient’s future in terms of recovery. The brain injury may heal completely, or it may not. If it does not, there may be questions as to how much functionality the individual will reclaim. Their physical abilities, mental cognition, even their personalities may never return to what the person experienced before sustaining the brain injury. These are hard facts that an experienced brain injury lawyer such as one from our Houston, TX law practice must keep in mind when negotiating a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier.
When taking on a Houston, TX client, our traumatic injury lawyer prepares a damage claim that includes all applicable and supportive documentation. This may include a medical diagnosis from a trusted physician or neurologist, the client’s medical history, testimony as to how the brain injury has impacted their life, and much more. After submitting this claim to the insurer, our brain injury lawyer Houston, TX will aggressively pursue the maximum possible amount of compensation. Should the insurer refuse to offer a fair settlement, even after negotiation attempts by our traumatic injury lawyer, they will be prepared to file a civil suit with a Houston, TX court to sue the at-fault parties. A jury may then decide to award our client with the settlement amount we originally sought, or they may decide to award even more. This is why most insurance carriers will settle before going to court in an effort to avoid paying out even more plus court costs.
A settlement may make it possible for the brain injury victim to reclaim as much of their life as possible, by enhancing their quality of life by getting the care they need. This can include medical treatment, modifications to their home and vehicle for easier mobility, and much more.
If you or your loved one sustained a brain injury because of someone’s negligence, contact our Houston, TX traumatic injury lawyer to learn how John K. Zaid & Associates can help secure your future.