Texas Auto Accident Injury Lawyer
Texas Auto Accident Injury Lawyer
It’s a well-known fact that speeding is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Driving above the speed limit can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles and increase the risk of accidents. However, many drivers still continue to speed and cause speed related accidents. If you’ve been injured in an accident when another driver hit you after traveling over the posted speed limit, schedule a consultation with an auto accident lawyer Houston, TX residents trust. The other driver’s illegal conduct may serve as evidence that the accident was either only marginally your fault or not your fault at all. This determination could influence your insurance settlement and/or your ability to recover via a legal claim. The experienced Texas auto accident injury lawyer team at John K. Zaid & Associates can help you to evaluate your legal options so that you can make an informed decision concerning your next steps.
If you’ve been injured in a speed-related accident, you’re certainly not alone. There are many reasons why motorists speed and therefore many reasons why speed-related accidents happen in the first place.
They’re in a Rush to Get Somewhere
If you’ve ever been in a rush to get to work or another important place and have driven above the speed limit to get there, you’re not alone. Many people drive a little faster when they haven’t given themselves enough time to get to their destination. They might also weave around other vehicles and run red lights to get to their destination faster, increasing the risk of an accident even more.
They Have Road Rage
Road rage refers to an aggressive behavior exhibited by a driver. The driver may become angry at other drivers, which can lead to a high-speed chase. They may be so blinded by their road rage that they don’t realize how dangerous their speed has become.
They’re Familiar With the Route
Many people drive the same route to and from work day in and day out. They’re so familiar with the roads that they don’t even think about how they’re driving. They may also unconsciously drive faster because they know the route so well. Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons why many car accidents occur when motorists are close to home.
They’re Driving While Drunk
Although the dangers of driving while drunk are well-known, some drivers still get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Drivers who have had too much to drink have poor judgment and might speed and not even realize it. If you were injured in an accident involving a drunk driver who was speeding, a Texas auto accident injury lawyer can introduce evidence of the driver’s intoxication as further proof that they were responsible for the accident that caused you harm.
Were You Hurt in a Car Accident?
If you were recently injured in a car accident caused by a driver who was speeding, you may be entitled to compensation. It’s important to speak to an experienced Texas auto accident injury lawyer about your case as soon as possible. Our firm can help you file a timely claim and improve your chances of getting the maximum amount of compensation you’re entitled to. Schedule a consultation today so that we can work to protect your rights and preserve your legal options.