Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX
Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX
If you are suffering a personal injury and plan to make a case against the responsible party, we strongly advise contacting an Injury lawyer in Houston, TX from John K. Zaid & Associates. Chances are, we are going to recommend avoiding social media during this time. The insurance adjuster handling your injury accident claim is going to look for anything to discredit you. If for whatever reason you do decide to use social media during your case, the following are five rules you need to follow:
- Delete Strange Friend Requests
When someone you don’t know requests your friendship on social media during a personal injury case, it could be a private investigator, family member of the at-fault party or a number of other people just trying to get information to discredit your injury claim. An injury lawyer in Houston, Texas has witnessed the extreme lengths people are willing to go to discredit an injury victim. Don’t give strange friend requests any amount of your time. Simply delete them and move on.
- Make Every Post Private
Some social media outlets allow you to change every post, both past, and future, to a “private” setting. Even things that you posted publicly three years ago can be changed to private and no longer be available to the general public. A Houston, TX Injury lawyer from John K. Zaid & Associates suggests protecting your personal information, including contact details, names of those close to you, places you work, and anything else. Change all your settings to private, and don’t forget to include those accounts you rarely use.
- Opt Out of Public Searches
Some social media outlets have an option to remove your name and profile from any public search listings. This means your profile won’t show up when someone Googles your name. Don’t underestimate the opposition, as personal injury cases can bring out the worst in people, such as doing anything possible to discredit those who were wrongfully injured. A car accident lawyer in Houston, TX can protect you and fight for fair compensation.
- Be Careful With Photos
There are a lot of ways a photo could be misconstrued. For example, if your back is the issue behind your personal injury case, and you post an old photo of yourself holding a 50 pound rock, it could get misconstrued as being something you did presently. You should also be wary of photos that are current, but could look like something they’re not.
For example, with a back injury, you may have picked up a large, empty cardboard box and been just fine. For fun, you took a picture to post, pretending there was something in the box that made it super heavy. Investigators and adjusters will use that as evidence your back injury isn’t quite as bad as you say. Trust your Injury lawyer in TX at John K. Zaid & Associates when they tell you to not give the opposition reason to cast doubt on your claims.
- Don’t Join Compromising Groups
Social media groups relating to your hobbies and interests are fun to join, but you should lay low for a while and not join or participate in any that could compromise your claim. For example, if you are dealing with a shoulder injury, you should avoid joining tennis or weight lifting groups.
Staying Protected
For additional help in staying protected during the course of your case, you need the assistance of a professional. Contact a Texas Injury lawyer in Houston at John K. Zaid & Associates today.