Elder Abuse Lawyer Houston, TX
Elder Abuse Lawyer Houston, TX
If you believe your loved one is a victim of elder abuse, an elder abuse lawyer Houston, TX trusts can help you with your claim. When people hear stories of elder abuse, there are a few main types of abuse that likely come to mind. The first is physical abuse. Because elderly people likely cannot defend themselves as well or have restricted mobility. Nursing home staff or caretakers may also physically hurt or neglect them. Similarly, psychological and emotional abuse are also common forms of abuse, particularly with elderly patients who are mentally declining. However, elder financial abuse is also an important form of abuse, and if your loved one is in someone else’s care or has in-home nurses working with them frequently and you suspect some form of financial abuse, do not hesitate any longer to help them. The attorneys at John. K Zaid & Associates know that elder abuse comes in many forms and will be dedicated to protecting the rights of your loved ones. For more information on how a Houston, Texas elder abuse lawyer can help you, contact our office now.
What does financial elder abuse look like?
What exactly does this look like? In fact, financial abuse is not uncommon for elderly people who reside in nursing homes either, and a nursing home abuse lawyer Houston, TX trusts from John K. Zaid & Associates will advocate for your loved one if this is the case. Financial elder abuse is not typically as obvious as a family member or caretaker stealing money directly out of an elderly patient’s wallet. On the contrary, it can be much less noticeable than that. Financial abuse happens when someone steals or improperly uses an elderly person’s resources. Once someone takes these resources, they do not benefit the elderly patient, but they benefit someone else. Common examples are:
– Forgery
– Theft of money
– Theft of possessions
– Coercing the patient to give them assets or finances
– Depriving the patient of their right to access their personal information or benefits
While there may be obvious examples of someone stealing money or credits cards from an elderly person’s wallet, another less obvious example is coercing the elderly individual to turn over power of attorney or sign contracts when they do not understand what they are signing. You can trust an elder abuse lawyer in Houston, TX to help you determine if your loved one is experiencing financial abuse.
How can I know if my loved one is abused?
You should always look for signs to see if someone is financially abusing your loved one while in the care of someone else. Some signs you can look for are:
- Changing Their Documents. If you see unexpected changes to items like their power of attorney, their trust, their will, or other financial documents, you should question this immediately.
- Withdrawing Money. You should look at any unexplained withdrawals that you were not expecting with a questioning eye.
- Charging For the Wrong Medication. If the nursing home prescribes your loved one (and they are paying for) name brand medication but the nursing home is giving them cheaper medication, this is fraudulent.
- Charges For Unusual Items. If you have access to your loved one’s credit card statements and notice that there are strange charges that they would not have made, someone else may be accessing their credit or debit cards for their own use.
How can a Houston, Texas elder abuse lawyer help me with my case?
At the law firm of John K. Zaid & Associates, we take financial abuse claims very seriously, particularly when they revolve around elderly people. You placed your loved one in the care of a facility, another family member, or a nurse because you believed they would provide your family member with the care and attention they deserve. However, if you suspect that someone is financially abusing your loved one, our attorneys can help you examine the evidence and file the appropriate claim. Don’t hesitate any longer in protecting your family. To get an aggressive and compassionate elder abuse lawyer Texas residents trust, call John K. Zaid & Associates now!
It’s a sad fact that elder abuse is all too common, as every lawyer from our Houston, TX law firm may tell you. John K. Zaid & Associates focuses on protecting the rights of elders and seeking justice for them when they have been neglected or otherwise harmed in a nursing home. Long term are facilities promise safe and suitable housing for their residents, and when they fail in their duty to provide the proper level of care, they can and should be held responsible. Families whose elderly loved ones have been harmed in the Houston, TX area, and who possibly succumbed to their injury, can seek remedy with the help of our elder abuse lawyer in Houston, TX. Call our office without delay to learn how we can get justice for your family.
Understanding Elder Abuse and Neglect
There are several ways in which an elder may be mistreated: emotionally, physically, sexually, and financially. Some elders are victimized on several levels. There are more than half a million cases that are reported to authorities every year in the United States. Experts estimate that just as many cases are not reported or are not identified because family members are kept in the dark and do not realize what is happening to their loved one. Anyone who suspects that their elder may be abused or neglected should remove them from the situation and contact the authorities. They may also wish to consider calling a nursing home abuse lawyer in Houston, TX. A claim against the nursing home may result in a settlement which can pave the way for proper care for their elderly loved one. A successful claim against the negligent nursing home can also send the message that they cannot get away with mistreating the very residents for whom they are responsible for providing quality care. John K. Zaid & Associates offers Houston, TX families a complimentary consultation with our nursing home abuse lawyer to discuss their case and learn the ways in which we may be able to help them come to a positive resolution.
The Ways in Which Elder Abuse Can Occur
Our elder abuse lawyer is familiar with all the ways in which nursing home residents in Houston, TX may be harmed by a staff member or a fellow resident. As mentioned above, abuse can take one or more forms. If any of the following may be affecting your loved one, it’s important that you protect them from taking action as appropriate.
Physical abuse. Elderly persons are often physically fragile and prone to serious injuries much more so than when they were younger. Physical abuse can take many forms in addition to physical assault such as slapping, pushing, or hitting. An elder may be abused by being forced to submit to restraints when they are unnecessary, forced confinement or isolation from others, or being over or under medicated.
Emotional abuse. Emotional or psychological abuse is just as serious as physical abuse. It can lead to severe depression, life-threatening illnesses, and a loss of joy.
Any Form of Elder Abuse is Unacceptable
If you suspect or know that your loved one has suffered neglect or abuse while in the care of a nursing home within the Houston, TX area, contact our elder abuse lawyer to discuss your case and learn your legal options.