Auto Accident Injury Law Firm Houston, TX
Auto Accident Injury Law Firm Houston, TX
As a motorist, you likely share the road with large trucks each time you commute to work or travel throughout Texas and the greater United States. These trucks can be intimidating due to their sheer size and presence, and when you become involved in an accident with one, it can be more serious than a crash with a vehicle that matches yours in size. However, size may not be the only difference when it comes to large truck accidents versus those that involve smaller vehicles. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to connect with an experienced auto accident lawyer Houston, TX residents trust as soon as you can after you’ve been involved in a collision with a large truck (or with any other kind of vehicle). Every accident is unique and understanding the nuances of the situation you’re facing will help you make an informed choice about your legal options at this time. The Houston, TX auto accident injury law firm of John K. Zaid & Associates is here to help you navigate your options and pursue compensation for the harm you have suffered. Once our team learns more about your specific circumstances, we can answer any questions you may have about your legal situation.
As you prepare for your consultation with our Houston, TX auto accident injury law firm, consider writing down any questions you may have about the following unique circumstances that tend to impact victims of accidents involving large trucks. That way, you can be sure you’ll receive answers to all of your questions when you meet with our team.
The Size of the Truck’s Load
When a large truck is carrying a full load in its trailer and collides with your smaller vehicle, it might cause a massive amount of destruction. Generally, the faster the truck is moving, the greater the force of the impact on your vehicle. If a large truck skids on icy or snow-covered roads, the trailer could jackknife and strike your vehicle, and if it is carrying a full load, the damage may be catastrophic.
Large Truck Accidents May Cause Pileups
Semis and trucks that haul trailers are usually more likely to cause chain-reaction pileups when they jackknife or otherwise crash on a busy freeway. Because of their size and weight, these trucks cannot brake quickly and when they encounter an obstacle on the roadway, making quick maneuvers might not be possible either. As such, multiple cars may collide behind the truck when it crashes and cause a severe pileup that might result in injuries for each motorist. Note that in the event of a pileup, there may be multiple parties that can be held responsible for the harm you have suffered. Our Houston, TX auto accident injury law firm can clarify fault in this situation if your accident involved a pileup.
Pressure on the Driver
Many drivers who operate large trucks are often under pressure to deliver their loads on time and make multiple deliveries, sometimes across several states. This might result in drivers who are overtired, who have not gotten adequate nutrition or who have driven more hours than is legal, making them at higher risk for causing an accident.
Accident Fault
When two cars are involved in a wreck, the driver who caused the accident due to a moving violation, distracted driving, etc. will have to bear the burden of fault. However, when a large commercial truck causes an accident, you may be able to implicate both the driver and the trucking company in a personal injury lawsuit and/or insurance claim. Trucking companies and their owners are often held liable for ensuring safety standards are being followed, so this may be an important factor when weighing your legal options at this time. No matter who caused the harm you have suffered, chances are that you can pursue compensation in one or more ways. Please connect with our Houston, TX auto accident injury law firm today to learn more. We look forward to speaking with you.