Experienced Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Houston, TX
Experienced Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Houston, TX
Cerebral palsy is usually a result of oxygen deprivation during the birthing process. There are cases where the issue occurs because of unknown reasons, however, in the majority of cases, the lack of oxygen to the infant is due to a medical error either during the mother’s prenatal care or during labor and delivery. If you live in Texas and your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and you believe it was due to medical negligence, contact the personal injury law firm of John K. Zaid & Associates to speak with an experienced cerebral palsy lawyer in Houston, TX.
According to national statistics, approximately two out of every 1,000 births results in cerebral palsy. The condition is not always recognized right away, but is usually diagnosed during early childhood, often because the baby is not developing at the same pace as other children their age. While symptoms may appear shortly after birth, the diagnosis often doesn’t occur for a couple of years. Some of the more common symptoms include:
- Hearing issues
- Issues with balance
- Issues with movement
- Issues with swallowing
- Muscles that are still or weak, causing the baby to have issues with reaction time
- Tremors
- Vision issues
The risk factors of cerebral palsy are not known, but it is believed that there are some factors that may be at play, such as:
- Being a twin
- Being born prematurely
- Being born underweight
- Fertility drugs used by mother for conception
While cerebral palsy doesn’t worsen as the child gets older, there are many cases where the condition is so drastic and has a severe impact on the child’s quality of life throughout their life.
Was It Malpractice?
As mentioned above, while not every case of cerebral palsy is caused by medical negligence, many cases are. When the cause of the condition is medical malpractice, parents may ask themselves, “who is the best birth injury lawyer in Houston, TX?,” while they consider what their legal options may be.
In order to prove malpractice, an attorney needs to show that the medical professional failed to provide the standard of medical care that a medical professional with the same ability and experience would have provided. There needs to have been some type of negligence or recklessness on their part. Some of the more common types of negligence that we see in the cerebral palsy cases our law firm has handled include:
- Delay in performing a cesarean section or other necessary medical procedure
- Failure to detect prolapsed umbilical cord or other labor/delivery emergency
- Failure to diagnose conditions, diseases, or infections during the mother’s prenatal care
- Improper use of forceps, vacuum extractors, or other medical instruments
You Are Not Alone
It can be devastating to discover that your child has suffered a birth injury that can affect them the rest of their lives. Contact John K. Zaid & Associates to schedule a free and confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy lawyer in Houston, TX. We will fight to get you and your family the financial justice you deserve.