Bedsores Attorney in Houston, TX
Bedsores Attorney in Houston, TX
If you have discovered bedsores on your loved one, and have concerns, you can, and should, call a bedsores attorney in Houston, TX as soon as possible. Call John K. Zaid & Associates today.
Although some injuries sustained in a nursing home cannot be avoided, many of them can. For example, bedsores, also known as pressure sores, are considered to be one of the most preventable injuries in a nursing home. Unfortunately, when they are discovered, concerns of neglect tend to arise – and rightfully so.
Bedsores are painful, and when they are not treated in a timely manner, they can worsen. In some cases, a patient could die from a bedsore. These injuries develop in areas that are prone to extended periods of pressure. For example, the tailbone, ankles, heels, hips, and elbows. People who are lying in a stationary position are most vulnerable.
Preventing Bedsores
As a bedsores attorney in Houston, TX might explain, bedsores can be prevented by:
- Changing the position of the patient every 2 to 3 hours
- Moving the patients’ limbs
- Assessing the patient for the first signs of a bedsore
- Practicing the utmost hygienic care on patients
- Cleaning the patient regularly
- Treating a bedsore as soon as one shows
Signs of a Bedsore
Nurses, attendants, and staff of a nursing home have a duty to watch for bedsores. When any of the following are noticed, the utmost care must be taken immediately:
- Swelling
- Redness
- Discharge
- Warmth around the affected area
- Changes in the color of the skin around the affected area
- Tenderness
- Pain
If you are a loved one of a patient and notice these signs, please notify the nursing home immediately. If they fail to do anything, or the bedsores worsen, a nursing home abuse lawyer Houston, TX respects should be consulted.
The Stages of Bedsores
There are several stages of a bedsore. Ideally, the nursing home will treat a bedsore at the first stage, and it will heal without any problem.
Stage One – A red sore may develop, but the skin remains intact.
Stage Two – An open wound develops, but it is not deep.
Stage Three – The sore starts to look like a crater. Fat cells beneath the skin may be noticeable.
Stage Four – Tissue, muscle, or bone becomes visible. The risk of infection is very high.
When stages three or four are relevant, it is probable that the staff are neglecting the patient. If you notice this, it is important you get your loved one medical treatment right away – even if that means taking him or her to the ER.
Explore Your Rights and Options with a Houston, TX Bedsores Attorney
Nursing home neglect or abuse is unacceptable. If you suspect something isn’t right, you should listen to your instinct and talk with a lawyer from our firm. We will listen to what you have to say and help you to understand what you should do at this point, and whether a claim for compensation is possible.
Call a leading bedsores attorney in Houston, Texas now, call John K. Zaid & Associates.