T-bone Collisions Lawyer Houston, Texas
T-bone Collisions Lawyer Houston, Texas
At John K. Zaid & Associates, a T-bone collisions lawyer in Houston, Texas understands how devastating car accidents can be, particularly when the front of one vehicle slammed into the side of another. Victims may have to deal with physical injury, financial loss, property damage, loss of earnings, and so much more. We can empathize with how stressful of a time you may be going through. Sometimes you need a Texas T-bone collisions lawyer who understands the ins and outs of the legal system, to protect you and advocate for your behalf.
An auto accident lawyer Houston, TX residents trust for quality legal services is ready to take your call right now, all you have to do is dial for more information about a free initial consultation. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can take some of the stress from the accident off your shoulders.
T-Bone Accident Causes
The result of a T-bone collision is a tangled wreck which resembles a letter “T”. The vast majority of T-bone accidents occur in intersections, when one driver fails to yield to the right of way of the other. However, there are other reasons why these types of accidents may happen. After speaking with a Texas T-bone collisions lawyer in Houston, we may reasonably conclude that the other driver committed one of the following:
-Ran a red light. Drivers who run red lights are putting the health of other’s at-risk. You may have seen the driver running the red light but were unable to get out of the way in time, or perhaps you never saw him or her coming. In most instances when someone runs a red light they are also speeding, so you may have been hit with a high force of speed.
-Distracted driving. Distracted driving can include using a cell phone, playing with the radio, digging in the glove compartment, eating, daydreaming, talking with passengers, or something else that takes attention away from the road. It only takes a fraction of a second to look away from the road for an accident to happen. Let a Houston T-bone collisions lawyer know if you saw the driver doing something distractedly moments before the crash.
-Misjudging the intersection gap. As a driver makes a left turn while on a green light (without an arrow), they must judge the gap from where they are to an approaching vehicle so they have enough time to safely pass over oncoming traffic. Drivers who have poor visual perception or are reckless may not give themselves enough time or space to cross.
-Under the influence. A driver who is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may speed in excess, drive dangerously slow, swerve within the lane, swerve across lanes, or hit property because the substance is hindering their motor skills and decision making. The driver who hit you may face criminal and civil consequences.
If you were in a car accident and experienced financial loss and damages, then it’s time to meet with a Houston, TX T-bone collisions lawyer from the law office of John K. Zaid & Associates.