Texas Wrongful Death Law Firm
Texas Wrongful Death Law Firm
When a loved one passes away due to a preventable accident, it leaves the surviving family filled with a unique kind of pain. Losing a loved one is never easy. But mourning a loss while processing the reality that the loss could have been prevented had another party not behaved in a negligent, reckless, or intentional way can be particularly challenging.
If you have lost a loved one under these circumstances, know that Immediate family members such as children, spouses, parents of unmarried children, adopted children, siblings, financial dependents, and estate representatives may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit in honor of their fallen loved one. Speaking with a wrongful death lawyer Houston, TX residents trust will allow you to explore your legal options in a no-risk, no-obligation consultation setting. The experienced and dedicated team at the Texas wrongful death law firm is here to help.
How do wrongful deaths usually occur?
“Wrongful death” occurs when someone’s life is taken away due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional behavior of another who owed the deceased some sort of legal duty of care. Beneficiaries, dependents, and other family members may be entitled to financial damages under these circumstances. Some of the most common causes of wrongful death include:
-Car accidents: every motorist has a reasonable duty to operate their vehicle with care and regard for others around them. A driver who is found to be driving recklessly and knowingly putting others in danger may be held liable for a wrongful death accident.
-Medical malpractice: doctors and medical personnel are held to a certain standard, and if they stray from providing quality care (and subsequently cause the death of a patient) then they may be held responsible.
-Anesthesia malpractice: an anesthesiologist may fail in their responsibilities to properly administer and monitor anesthesia, potentially causing a fatal situation to unfold during surgery.
-Workplace accidents: employers have a duty to provide a workplace that is reasonably safe and free of hazards. An employer who has failed to address a work hazard which then results in an accident and employee death may face a lawsuit by surviving family members.
What types of damages may the court award in a wrongful death lawsuit?
Every state has laws that permit surviving loved ones and beneficiaries of the deceased to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The court will evaluate the evidence brought forward and decide whether the defendant(s) was responsible for the wrongful death accident. The types of damages that the court may award in a wrongful death lawsuit include:
-Loss of companionship
-Savings of the deceased
-Loss of earnings of the deceased
-Degree to which surviving loved ones were depending on the deceased financially
-Costs accumulated by the surviving family members due to the death, such as medical bills and funeral expenses
There isn’t an amount of money that could ever truly compensation family members for losing a loved one. However, what working with our Texas wrongful death law firm can do is help secure your family financially so you can more fully address the financial losses that have occurred as a result of your loved one’s accident. Additionally, many family members achieve a sense of justice when the party at-fault is held accountable under the law. You don’t have to make a decision to file legal action right now. Simply schedule a consultation and ask whatever questions you may have. Our Texas wrongful death law firm will do our best to answer your questions and to help you make an informed decision about your legal options. Contact John K. Zaid & Associates to learn more today.