Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Houston, TX
Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Houston, TX
Too often, people do not understand their legal options after they’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident. Therefore, they end up saying the wrong thing to the other driver(s) or police officers and unintentionally compromise their legal case before they’ve had a chance to make informed decisions about their legal options. As a result, whether you were at fault for your accident, partially at fault, or completely blameless, obtaining legal advice from a reputable Houston, Texas motorcycle crash lawyer as soon as you possibly can following your accident is essential. You don’t want to misstep now and lose out on compensation that you’re entitled to later on.
While you gather a list of your questions and thoughts to bring to a no-risk, no-obligation consultation with the experienced team at John K. Zaid & Associates, take some time to review these frequently asked questions that you may want to run by a motorcycle accident lawyer Houston, TX residents rely on.
Do I need a lawyer if I have motorcycle insurance?
If the other driver(s) was at fault, then you will most likely receive your payout from their insurance company, and not your own. That can mean a much less overall compensation, particularly if you sustained any injuries worthy of a stay in the hospital. Working with an experienced Houston, TX motorcycle crash lawyer can ensure that you don’t just receive the minimum payout; we will work to get you the maximum amount possible for your accident.
Should I take the other insurance company’s offer?
You should never accept the first settlement offered by the other party’s insurance company, especially without consulting a Houston, TX motorcycle crash lawyer first. The insurance company will often mask their offer as a “good deal,” when in reality it is almost always significantly less than what your case is actually worth. Be sure not to sign anything from the other party’s insurance company without thoroughly examining it with your attorney – you could be signing away your right to pursue a claim.
When should I contact a legal representative?
It’s in your best interest to set up a consultation with a Houston, TX motorcycle crash lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Waiting too long before calling could ultimately result in you not getting as much from your claim, due to unguided decision making. The last things that you need right now are unpaid bills, unanswered questions, and an unnecessarily stressful accident recovery period. Call today so that we can handle the “heavy lifting” of your legal situation while you focus on getting back on your feet.
The harm that is caused by motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic. Head injuries, spinal injuries, loss of limb, and broken bones are very common in the wake of motorcycle collisions. However, like general bruising and lacerations, facial injuries are relevant in nearly all motorcycle accident claims.
In a collision, glass shards from a broken windshield or window may fly into a rider’s face at high speeds. The head may slam into the bike and/or the road, which may cause significant bruising, cuts and/or broken bones. If you’ve suffered facial injuries as a result of a motorcycle crash, it’s important to know that you may seek compensation from those whose negligence, recklessness, and/or intentional behavior caused you harm. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer Houston, TX residents trust can work with you to explore the legal options available to you at this time. The Houston, Texas motorcycle crash lawyer team at John K. Zaid & Associates is here to handle your legal needs so that you can focus on recovering from your accident.
Common Facial Injuries Sustained in Accidents
If you have suffered any of the following injuries, or even those that are not discussed below, please call a Houston, TX motorcycle crash lawyer now. Why? Facial injuries are serious and tend to cost a great deal of money to treat. By seeking compensation from those who have caused you harm, you’ll be in a better position to seek the medical care you need as you recover from your accident.
Broken Bones – The face and head consists of 14 different bones that are vulnerable to breaking in a motorcycle accident. A broken, perhaps dislocated, facial bone can cause an injured eye, sinus cavity, or damage to the mouth. In general the pain is often significant, chronic, and causes ongoing cosmetic issues.
Scarring – When sharp objects penetrate the face, there is a high risk of scarring. These scars might not only be aesthetically unwanted, but also may serve as a constant reminder of what happened.
Burns – If the motorcycle accident led to a fire, facial burns from the heat, flames, or smoke can result. This might not only lead to burns of varying degrees, but also scarring, and loss of the ability to see, smell, taste, or hear.
Damage to the Eyes – The eyes are a vulnerable part of the face. They can become scratched, penetrated, or blinded in a collision; thereby, resulting in many different kinds of impairment.
Treatment for Facial Injuries
Most victims who’ve sustained facial injuries will require extensive treatment to mend broken bones, treat lacerations, and repair damaged tissues. Once the initial wound or injury is healed, cosmetic surgery and rehabilitation may be needed. If an accident resulted in injuries to your face, the following costs may be covered through a claim or lawsuit:
- Surgery
- Eye removal
- Eye replacement
- Stiching
- Tissue enhancement
- Skin grafting
- Dentistry
- Cosmetic surgery
- Medication
- Therapy
- Rehabilitation
These treatments typically cost tens of thousands of dollars. They generally require weeks or months of healing and are often painful. Some of them, such as skin grafting, can take several months or years to complete. Our Houston, TX motorcycle crash lawyer team understands what to expect when it comes to seeking compensation for facial injuries and we’d be honored to answer any questions you may have about this process. We look forward to speaking with you.