Birth Injury Lawyer Houston, TX
Birth Injury Lawyer Houston, TX
Parents of infants who have been injured during the birthing process need to understand that they have rights and options available to them under the law. Just as a motorist who is injured after being struck by a drunk driver can hold that individual accountable for their recklessness in civil court, so can many parents hold healthcare providers accountable for the harm that their substandard care has caused.
Birth Injury Lawyer – Houston, TX
No two birth injury cases ever unfold under exactly the same circumstances. As a result, it is important to avoid making assumptions about whether your family does or does not have grounds upon which to file a lawsuit until the capable legal team at John K. Zaid & Associates has thoroughly and objectively assessed your circumstances. Once our Houston, TX birth injury lawyer team has provided you with personalized legal guidance in a risk-free consultation setting, you will be empowered to make whatever informed decision is best for you and your family at this time.
Children Have Rights Under the Law, Too
Even though an infant is in no position to file a lawsuit on their own behalf, their parents or guardians are empowered to do so. Simply because a child has not reached the age of majority does not mean that the law doesn’t protect their interests. Depending on the nature of the birth trauma that your child has suffered, your family may be entitled to economic damages—including medical bills, loss of future earning capacity, etc.—and non-economic damages, such as a pain and suffering award. To learn more about how the law protects the rights and interests of injured children, connect with our firm today. Even if you are unsure of whether you have grounds upon which to file a lawsuit, you are welcome to schedule a consultation in order to ask questions and seek clarification about your legal options.
Legal Assistance Is Available
If your baby experienced trauma during the birthing process and was either injured or made ill as a result, it is important to explore your legal options for all the reasons that have already been noted. With that said, it is also important to remember that meeting with the experienced Texas legal team at John K. Zaid & Associates in a risk-free consultation setting will not obligate you to either take legal action or even to work with our firm going forward.
Our firm is proud to offer risk-free consultations to all parents of children who may have been harmed as a result of another’s negligence, recklessness, or intentionally harmful conduct. No parent navigating this challenge should have to wonder what their rights and options are under the law. Once our firm has assessed your situation thoroughly and objectively, we will provide you with personalized legal guidance so that you can make informed choices about your options. You deserve the peace of mind that is usually associated with understanding one’s options in the wake of trauma. It will be our honor to contribute to that effort. We look forward to speaking with you.