Insurance Denial Lawyer Houston, TX
Insurance Denial Lawyer Houston, TX
If you’ve had your car insurance claim denied in Houston, Texas, reach out to an insurance denial lawyer in Houston, TX. A lawyer who deals in denials of insurance can help you ensure you receive the compensation that you deserve.
However, there are some common reasons that denials happen, we’ll dive into those below.
Reasons for Claim Denials
You could have avoided the accident. If an accident is deemed as avoidable, or you did something that caused it, your insurance claim might be denied. This is true if the insurer believes you made your policy coverage ineffective, like driving drunk or letting someone without a license use your car. Reach out to an insurance denial lawyer, as the insurance company’s attorney might not be thinking of you, but the company that they work for.
If you want to claim you were injured when a car accident occurred, you have to go for treatment immediately. Otherwise, your insurer can argue that the injuries were not a result of the accident. If you have proof that you were at the hospital after the accident, you have a stronger case. However, if you delay your insurer may believe the injuries are fake to get a payout.
If your medical records do not indicate pain or an injury, your claim will probably be denied. You cannot prove you were entitled to damages. Also, if you have a pre-existing condition, the insurer might argue that the condition is causing your pain and injury. Not after the accident. If your condition was worsened due to the accident, you can go forward with a lawyer and try to prove that this is true, but it can be hard.
“Bad Faith” Denials
When you deal with “bad faith” denials, you might find yourself asking who is the best car accident lawyer in Houston, TX? The answer is John K. Zaid & Associates, as they’re going to be there to walk you through your accident claims and help you get what you deserve from the insurance company.
A “bad faith” denial is when the insurer isn’t living up to their obligation to resolve your case as per any agreements with your insurance or the other driver’s insurance. An insurance company really doesn’t want to pay out money all the time, so sometimes they’ll use tactics to limit the payouts.
One such tactic that an insurance company might try is denying or limiting your liability. This means that the insurer is going to argue that the defendant had no duty of care towards the plaintiff—especially in cases where other drivers are involved. The insurer may also argue that the plaintiff was engaged in risky behaviors and that you assumed the risk because of that. If your insurer can do this and establish it clearly in court, you may not receive any compensation.
Work with your lawyer to best determine how to counteract any insurer claims so that you may receive the compensation for damages that you deserve after a car accident.